NF A32-201 FGS400-12 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 30, 2022
FGS400-12 is a ductile cast iron grade in France standard NF A32-201, which is equivalent to EN-GJS-450-10 in European standard EN 1563.
NF A32-201 FGS370-17 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 28, 2022
FGS370-17 is a ductile cast iron grade in France standard NF A32-201, which is equivalent to EN-GJS-400-15 and EN-GJS-400-18 in European standard EN 1563.
UNI 4544 GS800-2 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 26, 2022
GS800-2 is a high material grade of ductile iron in Italy standard UNI 4544. It is also known as Grade 800-2 (ISO 1083).
UNI 4544 GS700-2 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 23, 2022
GS700-2 is a high material grade of ductile iron in Italy standard UNI 4544. It is also known as Grade 700-2 (ISO 1083).
UNI 4544 GS600-2 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 14, 2022
GS600-2 is a ductile cast iron grade in Italy standard UNI 4544, which is equivalent to EN-GJS-600-3 in European standard EN 1563, 80-55-06 and 80-60-03 in USA standard ASTM A536.
UNI 4544 GS500-7 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 12, 2022
The SG iron Grade GS500-7 in standard UNI 4544, is also known as grade 500-7 (ISO 1083), QT500-7 (GB 1348) and 70-50-05 (ASTM A536).
UNI 4544 GS400-12 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 09, 2022
UNI 4544 GS400-12 is an Italy ductile iron grade, which is equal to ASTM A536 60-45-12.
UNI 4544 GS370-17 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 07, 2022
UNI 4544 GS370-17 is a ductile iron material grade used in Italy.
BS 2789 900/2 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 05, 2022
BS 2789 900/2 is a ductile iron material grade used in UK, also equal to ISO grade 900-2, China QT900-2, Euro EN-GJS-900-2.
BS 2789 800/2 Ductile Cast Iron - on Dec. 02, 2022
BS 2789 800/2 is a high grade of ductile iron. It is a ductile iron material grade used in UK, equal to ISO grade 800-2.