Iron Castings
Iron castings include grey iron
castings, ductile iron
castings and alloy iron castings according to the different
material grades. The followings are some casting products from
Dandong Foundry in China.

1. Axle support for tractors.
The casting was produced by grey cast iron
ASTM A48 class 35, e.g. GG25. This material grade has
good tensile strength and wear resistance. We produced them by
normal green sand
casting process with resin sand cores to meet high
requirements to the inside surfaces.

2. Cradle bracket for engineering trucks.
Cradle brackets are important support for engineering trucks. The
material is ductile iron ASTM A536
65-45-12, e.g. GGG40. As for the
large bracket castings, we used
resin sand casting process. As for the middle and small
brackets, we used automatic
molding line.
Casting defects, especially shrinkage are very harmful for
this product. So, rational gating system is necessary.

3. Brake drums for tractors.
This brake drum is comparatively smaller than those used for trucks.
This casting was used for tractors. The casting material is grey
cast iron G25, e.g. O125. Uniform wall thickness is important for
the dynamic balance, and suitable hardness is import for enlarging
the working life.

4. Butterfly valve body for valves.
We could use green sand and shell
molding processes to produce various butterfly valve bodies.
Green sand casting process is cheaper. Valve bodies could be painted
by normal painting and baking finish painting. Normally the casting
material is ductile iron GGG40 or GGG50.

5. Belt pulley for stone crushers.
Large belt pulley
should be produced by resin sand casting process to meet the
requirements to the dimensional tolerance and casting defects. The
material is nodular iron
GGG40, e.g. EN-GJS-400-15. The shrinkage and sand holes on the
groove positions should be unacceptable since they will be very
harmful to belts. The production costs for belt pulley are higher
than normal iron castings.

6. Collector tube for boilers.
Collector tubes are important to large boilers. The casting material
is a kind of alloy grey cast iron with some content of Cr and Ni
alloy to resist the high working temperature. Thin wall thickness
and large sand core are the key technical problems in the
production. Moreover, sand blasting to the inside cores is also not
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