Large iron and steel castings generally have complex shapes and components, with complex internal cavity structures.
The inspection requirements are generally based on the corresponding national standards, ministerial standards or industry standards for large casting.
The inspection of large castings includes: dimensional inspection, visual inspection of the surface quality of shape and appearance. In order to ensure product quality, we should do chemical composition analysis and mechanical performance tests.
Besides, we also need to conduct non-destructive inspections on large castings. For the inspection of the internal quality of castings, we should take non-destructive testing methods.
What aspects does the non-destructive inspection of large castings include?
1. Magnetic particle inspection
We should carry out magnetic particle inspection on all the interiors and surfaces of large castings

2. Liquid penetrating flaw detection inspection
At the same time, we should take liquid penetrating flaw detection on all the interior and surface of large castings.

3. full X-ray filming
Require 100% full X-ray filming for large castings.
4. If the product specification stipulates the requirements of non-destructive testing, it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding specification. The structure of large castings must ensure quality and simplify the process. The structure of large castings cannot be easily modified. If modification is required, it should be explained to the product designer. |