BS2789 Grade 500-7 SG
This material grade is a normal ductile
iron grade in China and USA, it has good tensile strength and also
good ductility.
Sometimes referenced as a ductile iron BS2789 Grade 500-7 is a
spheroidal graphite iron that offers better strength, wear
resistance and hardening capabilities to that of 400-15 or 420-12 SG
iron grades.
Related Specifications
BS EN 1563 GJS 500-7 GGG50 SFP500 SP500 70-50-05
Chemical Analysis
Carbon 3.40-3.85% Phosphorous 0.10% max
Manganese 0.10-0.30% Sulphur 0.02% max
Silicon 2.30-3.10% Magnesium 0.07% max
BS2789 Grade 500-7 is suited for applications such as gears,
pistons, valve bodies, dies and moulds and for applications that
require good noise and vibration damping.
Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength N/mm² min 500
Elongation % 7
Typical Hardness HB 170-241
Mechanical properties shown are typical and may vary subject to the
size and section of this sg iron grade.
Certification BS2789 500-7 S G Iron is available with a certificate
or conformity, please request when placing any orders.
Quality Assured Supply BS2789 EN1563 SG Iron to grade 500-7 is
supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001: 2008 registration.
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