Dandong Foundry has extensive experience in manufacturing ductile iron castings for heavy duty truck parts.
The applications of ductile cast iron for heave duty truck parts are normally as follows.
Suspension Systems
A vehicle's suspension system ensures a smooth, controlled ride over changes in terrain. Ductile iron castings may play several roles in a suspension system, thanks to attributes such as compression strength and vibration damping.

Ductile iron's superior tensile strength and yield strength make it widely used in driveshafts, axle shafts, differentials, and joints .
Steering Systems
Steering components such as tie rods are known to wear out quickly, so the fatigue strength of ductile iron is an asset in this setting.
Ductile iron has excellent wear resistance and fatigue strength, making it suitable for truck transmission gear.

Security Systems
Ductile cast iron might be incorporated into tie downs or chains, where its elasticity and tensile strength can endure the stress of the load without snapping. |