The cast iron pump housing can be produced by green sand casting technology.
Green sand casting is one of the first and popular methods used in mold sand technology and often applied in metal casting foundries. This molding method is characterized by using green sand as the main material to create the sand mold for the casting.
Green sand casting method is often used in metalworking foundries due to its outstanding advantages. Below lists some of the major advantages of cast iron pump housing produced by the green sand method.
Firstly, the average cost to produce a cast iron pump case by green sand casting method is affordable and reasonable because this mold casting method doesn't require complicated processes and high-tech machinery.
Another benefit of green sand technology is its versatility with production. Casting by green sand is flexible in the choice of molds and patterns. It allows to cast different shapes and designs of the pump housing.
Furthermore, the green sand casting is an environmentally friendly process where the mold aggregated can be treated and repeatedly used. The sand can be reused many times after adjusting the composition.

Cast iron pump housings produced by Green Sand Casting