Difference of gray cast iron and ductile cast iron
Many buyers were confused about the
difference of gray cast iron
and ductile cast iron, which
is also called as nodular cast iron.
Herein, we make a brief introduction to their main differences.
1. Physical property
The main difference will be their physical properties. The ductile
iron has higher tensile strength and yield strength than gray iron,
moreover, ductile iron has higher elongation rate. For example, the
ductile iron ASTM A536 120-90-02
has tensile strength of 900 Rm N/mm2, but the highest grade of gray
iron ASTM A48 CL50 only has
tensile strength of 500 Rm N/mm2. The ductile iron can reach
elongation of 18%, but gray iron has very low elongation, the
related standards for gray iron material even do not stipulate the
requirements to the elongation.
However, gray cast iron has good abrasive resistance and cast
Tensile strength and elongation are very important to the
application. So, ductile iron will be more durable, reliable and
2. Microstructure
The microstructure of ductile cast iron has many graphite balls. The
gray iron has many graphite flakes. This different structure is the
main reason to the physical properties. Since the tips of graphite
flakes cause higher stress concentration than graphite balls, so
gray iron has lower tensile strength and elongation.

3. Production process
The production for ductile iron is more complex and difficult than
gray iron, and ductile iron needs nodulizer (spheroidizing agent) to
complete the nodulizing and inoculation processes. Because of the
complex production process and more additive alloy, so ductile cast
iron will be more costly than gray cast iron. Moreover, the ductile
iron prices will also be affected by the spheroidizing agents.
By the way, the ductile iron castings are the products, but ductile
iron is just a material. So, when we said ductile iron is more
costly, actually, we meant the ductile iron castings are more
4. Application
For those iron casting parts that do not request very high tensile
strength and elongation, such as many types of
stove parts, boiler parts,
machinery bases etc, the gray iron will be a good choice. The lower
prices will be an important reason. As for the casting parts for
machinery, tractors, trucks, automotive, the ductile iron parts will
be more reliable. Generally, ductile cast iron has larger
application, and have become more and more important for the whole

Gray Iron Castings

Ductile Iron Castings
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