Crane Ball Made in Dandong Foundry
Crane ball is the
balance weight for the
heavy-duty cranes.
Their material are usually Gray Iron
Class20 or called GG20. Their weights are
from dozens of kilogram to hundreds of kilogram.
They should be made by resin sand
molding process in order to reach the good surface
quality and strict dimensional requirements.
As for these types of large iron
castings, the shrinkage will be the main defects.
Therefore, the suitable arrangement for the cold
iron will be important. After years of production,
Dandong Foundry has found the suitable casting
process to avoid the shrinkage.
Our foundry just produced the crane
ball castings, the counter weight ball, but not
produced the hooks. Our partner in USA assembled the
balls and hooks, and in charge of sales works.
Therefore, if you only demand the ball castings,
then please contact us. If you need the final
products, assembled crane balls, please contact us,
we can ask our partner in USA to call you directly.
Our partner has sold crane ball
weights for
many years, and had good reputation in USA.
