Boiler Ash Door Assembly Made in Dandong Foundry
The ask door is
similar with boiler door, furnace door or stove
door. Total weight for ash door assembly was about
60kg. Materials include cast iron with Cr. 1% and
cast steel. The whole assembly include ash door,
door frame, handle lock, cover inspection hole, pin,
screw, gasket and bolts.
Dandong Foundry
has made many ash doors for the boiler and furnace
manufacturers worldwide. It was not difficult for
the rough castings and machining. However, you have
to keep the good surface quality and good dimensions
for installation. The suitable casting process was
resin sand casting, however, some parts were small,
so green sand casting process will be necessary.
Therefore, the foundry should have very fine green
sand to make the small parts.
As for the patterns, Dandong Foundry
suggested to use the resin patterns, which has good
lifetime, and lower costs than metal patterns.