EN-GJS-400-18 Ductile Iron
Mechanical Properties:
This grade has tensile strength min. 400 Mpa, yield strength min.
250 Mpa, elongation min. 18%.
The matrix of this grade is fully ferritic with high ductility and
impact strength, which guarantees use at temperatures down to minus
20°. Heat treatment is a part of the manufacturing process.
spheroidal graphite cast iron, also known as
ductile iron, with guaranteed
notched impact toughness at -20°C. In terms of safety, this material
offers numerous advantages over cast steel, which is prone to
cracking due to its extremely high shrinkage. One of these is the
expansion resulting from the formation of graphite spheroids in the
ferritic matrix, which offsets the – in any case inherently low –
shrinkage for this material and thereby prevents cracking.
Grade EN-GJS-400-18LT also boasts a minimum elongation at break of
18% and, on account of this high ductility, is also suitable for
low-temperature applications. The permissible stresses for
spheroidal graphite cast iron were determined by Dr. Betschart as
early as 1980 in his thesis entitled “Investigation into modern cast
metals for structures”.
Typical Applications:
Spheroidal graphite cast iron is used to produce safety components
for cable cars and ski lifts in high Alpine regions, for example,
but also for heavy-duty chassis elements, crankshafts and wheel hubs
of motor vehicles.
This material is also widely used to produce iron castings for wind
power, forest- and contractors' machines, valves, brakes, clutch,
consoles, pressure tanks, housings for high pressure hydraulic
equipment, cooling components and in general for use at temperatures
down to -20ºC where guaranteed impact strength is important.
Due to its many benefits, the “modern form” of cast iron with
spheroidal graphite has largely superseded cast steel. Indeed, the
use of cast steel is now largely confined to clearly defined
applications where weldability is required, e.g. welded assemblies
or cable structures.

Ductile Iron Brackets

Ductile Iron Butterfly Valve Bodies

Ductile Iron Truck Supports
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