DIN EN 1561 Grey Cast Iron
This European Standard DIN-EN-1561 specifies the properties of unalloyed and
low-alloyed grey cast iron used for castings,
which have been manufactured in sand moulds or in moulds with
comparable thermal behavior.
This standard specifies the characterizing properties of grey cast
iron by either:
a) the tensile strength of separately cast samples, or if agreed by
the manufacturer and the purchaser by the
time of acceptance of the order, of cast-on samples or samples cut
from a casting;
b) if agreed by the manufacturer and the purchaser by the time of
acceptance of the order, the hardness of
the material measured on castings or on a cast-on knob.
Mechanical properties
In addition to EN 1559-1 and EN 1559-3 the order should specify in
an unambiguous manner as to whether the
tensile strength measured on separately cast samples or the Brinell
hardness measured on the casting is the
characterizing property. If it does not do so, then the manufacturer
shall characterize the material according to
tensile strength.
The characterizing property shall be checked only when this has been
agreed by the time of acceptance of the
order. The following Table 1 is the tensile strength of grey cast
iron, Table 2 is Brinell hardness of castings of grey cast iron.

This is the list of grey cast iron grades used in this
standard correlated with those used previously in DIN 1691.

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